     Hujambo...Kwnagu Ndugu...Kwangu Dada...ALL praises & glory b 2 Kwangu Nigri...My God...TheeGodofgods...as ALL ways I seek 2 elevate TheeTru!!Th as twas brought 4th 2 Me. I DO not  seek 2 glorify Meself...My 4Parents come from the Tru!!! BloodLine...i.e. Thee Tower of Babel...
         Changed their Tongue...why??? I blieve in KuntaKinte...NOT toby...Nigritia=KiSwahili=LandoftheGods...nigger=ingant ass who Can Not pronoun...N I G R I T I A...I=
E...what I See is that MY feet=polished gold...My hair=wool of the lamb..13 white guys 2 get My BL-hind 2...heaven??? Yea..if i go against Thee 1st Commandment...NO other gods b4 ME...TheeGodofgods!!!              1st & 4 most tis My understandin that...ALL that glitter taint gold...as Why???How??? and in WHAT manner does 1 think that that which U can get ON/IN Earth...can/twould/twill/ be in TheeHeaven??? 
    My 4Parents"Nig!!!!A's-Ebonics/Nigritian's-KiSwahili" told Me 2 blieve in half what I see & NONE what I hear...i hear...g-sus...I hear...hey-sus...yet I SEE 2 "J"'s...now goin by Me 4Bearers...half of that twould/twill b "J"...
      This site tis set up 4 Those who seek NOT their truth...NOT mines...butt TheeTru!!!Th....I did not create...I was/is/am created in the Direct Reflection of TheeGodofgods 1 & Only Son...ADAM...Luke 3:23 to 3;38...
      Flat nose/face...just as when the dew twas brought UP through Thee Earth...ALL that is/was/gonna b  tis part of NOT Me...butt as "J"e-sus says...John 12:44...He that Tru!!!ly blieve in Me...blieve NOT in Me butt in HE who Sent Me."
Tru!!!Th Productions©2005

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